passion and profession
I love what I do. Plain and simple. It inspires & motivates me to kick ass everyday. My favorite saying is “work hard to play harder”… sounds like the SVO way aye? Me and my team are out here putting in work.
Keep scrolling to view the different projects I’ve completed over the years.
Who knows- maybe collaborating with YOU will be my next project.
Siempre Sports Academy
Closing the knowledge gap, one workshop at a time.
A place for students to learn soft skills necessary to be competitive on the sport job market and to foster a network of sport professionals to assist in the employment process. Learn more about Siempre Sports Academy, here.
Savant Siempre llc
Serving the community through outreach and mentorship.
For decades, the Savant family has led the effort to guide and mentor community members. We have been on the frontlines for numerous community movements, starting in St. Louis, Missouri and expanding to Tallahassee, Florida and San Jose, California. -
Street Smarts and Articles
At my core, I am writer and a student.
I take in knowledge, write, and share these works with the world. Catch a glimpse into my mind… and maybe learn a thing or two! Read more of Savant’s articles here.
who i’ve worked with
Oakland Athletics
Monterey Bay FC
Sacramento Kings
Golden State Warriors
San Francisco Giants
Florida A&M University
University of South Carolina
San José State University
360 Motion Enterprise
Olympic Project for Human Rights
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Beyond Sparta Agoge Academy - SJSU
Dam Worth It - SJSU
Florida Education Foundation - FSU
LYFE Program - FSU
Allie Gaviva - San Francisco 49ers
James Herrera - San Francisco 49ers
Christopher Parker - San Francisco 49ers
Scott Thompson - Playfly Sports
Brooke Brennan - Oklahoma City Thunder
Giovanni Stanley - SJSU Athletics
Lia Drivas - Madison Square Garden
select event reels
speaking engagements
Williams, A. L. (presented 2022). The (Black) Struggle That Must Be: Black Masculinity, Black College Athletes, and Black Mental Health through a looking glass. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Las Vegas, NV. (International)
Williams, A. L., Schweinbenz, A, & Pegoraro, A. (presented 2022). “Interest Convergence and Capitalism in the NBA: Air Jordans as a form of Activism?”. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Las Vegas, NV. (International)
Williams, A. L., Hart, A., Crowley, C., Johnson, W., & Gill, E. (presented 2022). (Panel) Brotha Docs: Navigating Sport, Education, and Society. Served at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Las Vegas, NV. (International)
Williams, A. L. (presented 2022). The Heritage Strikes Back: Athlete activism, Black Lives Matter, and the iconic fifth wave of activism in the (W)NBA Bubble. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Montreal, QC, Canada. (International)
Williams, A. L., & Gilmore, J. (presented 2018). Hip-Hop & The NBA: Performative Black Masculinity, Expression, and Activism. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (International)
Williams, A.L., Francis, D., & Davis, R. (presented 2017). The New Enlightenment: (R)evolution of Athlete Activism. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. (International)
Williams, A.L., James, K., & Francis, D. (presented 2016). Distorted Realities: The Power of the Media on Public Perceptions. Presented at Annual conference of NASSS; North American Society for Sociology in Sport, Tampa, Florida. (International)
Williams, A. L., Bryant, P, & Lynch, K. (2021). Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Sport. Session organized for the Institute for the Study of Sport, Society, and Social Change at San Jose State University
Williams, A. L. (2017). Evolution of Activism: The Significance of the Celebrity Athlete’s Platform. Session organized for North American Society for Sociology in Sport annual conference.
Williams, A. L. (presented 2023). For the Culture: Mastering Cultural Capital. Presented at Agoge Academy (Beyond Sparta), San Jose State University Department of Athletics
Williams, A. L. (presented 2023). Leveling the Playing Field: A Dialogue on Diversity in Sports. Presentation with Siempre Sports Academy
Williams, A. L. (presented 2023). Developing a Winning Profile with LinkedIn and Adobe. Presentation with Siempre Sports Academy
Williams, A. L. (presented 2023). So You Want to Work in Sports? A Dialogue with the San Francisco 49ers. Presentation with Siempre Sports Academy
Williams, A. L. (presented 2023). Dam Worth the Red Carpet: Identity, Body Image, and Eating Disorders. Invited presentation to Dam Worth It Student Organization
Williams, A.L., Fennell, M., & Kluch, Y. (In Press) - (Un)doing Diversity Work in a ‘Diverse’ Space: Examining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work in HBCU Athletics. Sociology of Sport Journal
Williams, A.L. (2023). The (Black) Struggle That Must Be: Black Masculinity, Black College Athletes, and Black Mental Health through a looking glass. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies.
Williams, A.L. (2023) Writing through Pain: Ars Spirituality, the Black Atlantic, and the Paradox of Diasporic Belongingness. Qualitative Inquiry
Williams, A. L. (2021). Mamba in the Mirror: Black masculinity, celebrity, and the public mourning of Kobe Bryant. Sociology of Sport Journal.
Williams, A. L. (2021). The Heritage Strikes Back: Athlete activism, Black Lives Matter, and the iconic fifth wave of activism in the (W)NBA Bubble. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies.
Harry, M., Williams, A.L., & White, K. (2023) – Academic Experiences of Athletic Advisors in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC). Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics
Williams, A.L. (Pub: 2024). Critical Race Theory in Sport and Physical Culture. In M. Giardina, M. Donnelly, and D. Waldman (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Culture. Sage Publishing
Giardina, M. D., & Williams, A. L. (2022). Popular culture and the active body. In J. Newman, D. Andrews, and R. Pitter (Eds.), Sociocultural Issues in sport and physical activity (pp. 173-191). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Williams, A. L. (2020). Book Review: Critical Race Theory: Black Athletic Sporting Experiences in the United States. Sociology of Sport Journal, 37(3), 269-270.
Norris, K. & Williams, A.L. (2023, June 29). Opinion: How California’s law against red states is hurting Black academic freedom. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-06-29/california-ab1887-lgbtq-discrimination-black-academics
Williams, A.L., (2019, Mar 15). Lethal Conditioning: Taggart, NCAA Sued for (Alleged) Negligence in Extensive Workouts. Sport Litigation Alert, 16(5).
Williams, A.L., (2021, June 8). Remembering Kobe Bryant, the Black Man. Engaging Sports. https://thesocietypages.org/engagingsports/2021/06/08/remembering-kobe-bryant-the-black-man/