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“That’s when I decided I’ma speak what I wanna see. And I started talking about business, I started speaking about opportunity and speaking about progress and optimism, and I saw that come back to me also.”
— Nipsey Hussle
If it moves you, it is worth moving towards. The world waits for no one and the one thing we cannot get back is time…so let’s use our time wisely and take note of how we feel as we progress through this life. Don’t justify it, just do it.
the Dory principle; just keep swimming.
You see, humans are love and we are supposed to support each other. We are all embarking on our own symbolic ocean of life and admittedly, that can be scary. Fortunately, we don’t have to handle the journey solo.
savant principle no. 3: decisiveness
Think, then act. Think, then speak. Think first, even if only for a modicum of time. No, this is not an invitation to overthink every decision you make…but quite the opposite. Progress through the Savant steps, be decisive, and make your move. Your future self will thank your current self when you capture a moment of forethought prior to making decisions. At that point, you can always say that you’ve done your homework and as the Professor, that’s all I can ask for.
the way of the savant: setting intentional New Year’s resolutions.
Ultimately, we can boss up in 2022. This is our year…if we choose for it to be. We are capable of taking control of our lives and developing a stronghold on our trajectory…and it can start with setting effective New Year’s Resolutions for 2022.
savant’s guide to prioritizing mental health during the holidays.
The holiday season can be quite a roller-coaster, so be sure to not allow yourself to get wrapped up in the expectations. Set your own standard and remain focused on your psychological fortitude. This is a time of giving and spirit-filled activities, but don’t assume that you have to be ‘on’ all the time. Sometimes, you may need to regroup and as such, remember that your mental health and balance are of utmost importance.
savant’s guide to mastering failure.
Things don’t always work out how we desire them to. Life is designed that way. We try, we fail, and we try again. That is just the way it goes, while also being the way in which we grow. Failure is no easy task, but the mastery of it is a valuable trait to possess. As such, indulge in savant’s guide to mastering failure and prepare for greatness!
heart take special: heart work
Let’s be brave. Let’s befriend the blank spaces and stillness of life. Let’s sit quietly and enter the chess tournament in our mind, heart, and soul. Let’s submerge ourselves in the deep ocean of our own existence and make sense of the unknown that lies beneath the deep blue. It’s going to hurt, but it is worth it. Heart work is always worth it.
heart take special: curious validity
It takes courage to slow down and truly understand what is happening around us. More poignantly, intentionality is the key to understanding the question we want to ask, why we want to ask it, and what could come of the question. Although you should never try to dictate the response, remember that people are multifaceted. The joy is in the learning process, not acquiring the ‘right’ answer. Sometimes, there is no ‘right’ answer, just a field of dreams where people can ask, respond, and learn from one another.
heart take special: brave questioning
The beautiful thing about freedom is, we can come and we can go. Sometimes it is better to stay. Sometimes it is better to leave. Regardless of where you find yourself, maintain your curiosity. The just-right curiosity.
It flows. It’s a conversation. A balance of effort and ease. Thoughtful…yet playful.
the games we play.
Imagine what this life would be like if we stopped playing games and just kept it real with each other. We have the opportunity of a lifetime to be the lifeline for humanity. We have the chance to let love have the first and last word, as well as every word in-between. It is our’s for the taking…and the time is now.