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“That’s when I decided I’ma speak what I wanna see. And I started talking about business, I started speaking about opportunity and speaking about progress and optimism, and I saw that come back to me also.”

Nipsey Hussle

Savant Lamont Savant Lamont


Social media has created a hyper-connected norm and for some of us, we believe that we need to constantly be connected. This could be rooted in the fear of missing out (fomo), but part of it could also be this undying desire to be seen/heard because social media has inadvertently taken the humanism out of interaction. Push back. Regain your center.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont

(not) the end.

I must admit that I still feel guilty to be alive while my friends and family have transitioned…especially those like my good friend Tweet who went in an untimely manner. My heart hurts. My soul mourns. I’m struggling, but I am fighting. I have always promised to fight, and I will continue to do.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont

black (is) power.

When you look up the words ‘perseverance’ or ‘resilience’ in the dictionary, the words ‘Black history’ ought to follow.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont

8 - 24 - 2

I love you, Kob. It breaks my heart that I will not get to break bread with you one day (or even shake your hand, for that matter), but I understand that this is how things go sometimes. Simply, thank you. I love you. I miss you. Do me a favor and say hey to my guy David while you’re up there. I’m sure you two have become the best of friends.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont

temple taps.

Things will happen to us in this life…and they won’t all be positive. Sometimes, life will hit us like a Mack truck and knock us down so ferociously that we truly believe that we cannot go on…but believe me, the true mark of character is in the response, not the hit.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont

crescent moon robbery.

Friends and family are eternal beings that occupy their own space in our hearts, so remember that those smiles and memories can never be taken away from us.

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community Savant Lamont community Savant Lamont

protect our own.

In times like these, we may not be connected to the motherland, nor do we have the justice that we desire…but we do have each other and I have learned that a strong community is more than enough to keep hope alive.

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Savant Lamont Savant Lamont


water is the most essential element of life…and knowledge shares the same symbolic space of importance.

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