crescent moon robbery.
Yesterday started as a day just like any other. Alarm sounds. 5:03 am. I rise at my usual awakening time to prepare for the day ahead. Typically, the first hour is prime Savant time because I get to spend it all to myself before the world awakens. The sky was clear, calm, and tranquil…as if to provide a serene background to (un)conscious thoughts and dreams of the beautiful day that lies ahead. I stood on my balcony and peered into the soul of the sky, which provided a sense of peace and made my heart melt for no reason…other than the joy of having my eyes open and beholding the simple brilliance of the undisturbed morning sky. There were no clouds, just a sea full of stars and an elegant crescent moon that mirrored the effortless smile that was on my face. I did my morning meditation, cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, and prepared my upcoming meals as Frank Ocean’s voice caroled from my portable speaker. It was a good day, and I departed from my house with a slight shuffle in my walk…as if to be dancing and walking simultaneously. As I got to my vehicle…prepared to ride this high right into work…I noticed that my driver’s side door was ajar. My focus narrowed like that of a cat about to pounce, and I opened the door to find my belongings scattered across the vehicle.
I had been robbed.
The thief had gone through my things and taken their cut, which (in this case) happened to be my favorite sunglasses and my Apple AirPods. I stood there, conflicted. Enraged, but calm. Furious, but collected. I took a video of the scene, checked for missing items, and put everything back where it was supposed to go. Luckily (I suppose), that was all that was taken. The thief left behind my Kobe Bryant memorial hoodie, along with my golf clubs and my wallet. As I drove to work, I thought a lot about what had just transpired. How long had my car been left open after being vandalized and quasi-violated? Why did they take what they took and leave what they left? Why me? Why today? Why now? I also contemplated if I was to blame. Did I lock my car last night? (Yes, I did) - Did they lurk around and wait for the right time to strike? (Yes, probably so). I could continue with this description of internal dialogue, but that is not the point of this story. In a nutshell, it’s as simple as this: someone unexpectedly took something from me and I was not prepared to be without it.
Four years ago on this very day, I was also robbed. Four years ago, someone of far worse integrity than the current thief stole the life of my dear young brother David ‘Tre’ Vaughn at the age of 23. I remember the day like it was yesterday, as it flashes in my mind on a weekly basis. At the time, I was working at a part-time job while finishing my Masters degree at Western Illinois University and I received a phone call from my uncle that David had been shot and killed. I will spare you the details of his murder, as unapologetic tears flow every time I think about those final moments that his eyes peered into this very sky. That day, I was robbed of a lifetime of memories to be made with David. That day, I was robbed of a life full of laughter with my dawg. For those of you who knew David, you know I’m talking about the rolling-on-the-floor type of dear-heavenly-Father-I-can’t-breathe laughter that is accompanied by a waterfall of tears and a severe shortness of breath. David was a light that brightened every room within his radius, and I have learned throughout the years that his radius stretches thousands of miles. He was just that type of guy; the type you would always look forward to seeing. He was kind and witty. Hilarious, yet directed. Goofy, yet focused. Playful, yet determined. He was a man of many emotions but he always kept it real with you and made you laugh. He had a very poignant personality that made it impossible to miss him in a room, but he was certainly not domineering. He never tried to outwardly steal the show, that was just kinda who he was and we loved him for it. I can talk for days about how much David means to me, and I think you can understand why I miss him so much.
You know, I think about how I was robbed yesterday, as well as four years ago…but he too was robbed of far more than a pair of headphones. He was robbed of a lifetime full of laughs, success, and doing as David does. He was robbed of future graduations, birthdays, children and career accomplishments. He was robbed of living out his dream and becoming a star-studded musician. He was robbed of kisses from his loved ones and rounds of shots and Keystone Lights with people like me. He was robbed of memories to be made with all of those who’s hearts he touched so deeply. He was robbed of reading this very letter. He was robbed of this beautiful thing that we call life. He, was robbed.
Let’s turn the tides. Yesterday, I was upset because I was robbed…but as I rise today and think of that small case of earphones in reference to the events that took David from us four years prior, I think to myself: what AirPods? AirPods are cool and all, but I miss my little brother and I would give the whole damn Apple factory (if I could, that is) to have him back with us…laughing, joking, screaming and drinking Keystone Lights. I would trade the car that was broken into if it meant that I got to be with him again and recreate our most prolific memory together —> WIU Homecoming 2016. That is all I will say on that slew of events because, well, you know how Western does for Homecoming so IYKYK. I would give it all up to see him again and crack jokes on him for that gap-toothed smile that we loved so dearly.
I am not quite sure what the takeaway is here, but in many ways I am still standing on my balcony…peering into that undisturbed night sky with the crescent moon. Every time I see the crescent moon, Dave, I think of you. As a takeaway for the reader, I will say that material items will come and go as we grow older. People will steal from us and we will lose things, but we must pay careful attention to the people in our lives because those are priceless valuables that we cannot repurchase or pick up for the low on that day after American Thanksgiving. Friends and family are eternal beings that occupy their own space in our hearts, so remember that those smiles and memories can never be taken away from us. For me: as I mourn David every day and drive around with his memorial sticker on the back window of my car, I am furious that someone selfishly took his life…but glad to have been graced with his presence. I am happy to have known David and I am happy that he knew me. I am happy to have been someone he believed in and I am happy to be someone who believes in him. I am mostly happy that I knew his heart…and that I was strong enough to be open and allow him to know mine. David knows I love him; that we love him. If I told him that someone had broken into my car and stole my AirPods, he would be ready to ride in a heartbeat. I can hear his voice in my head and it honestly makes me laugh (and, if I’m being honest…cry) to think about how he would be equally ready to right the wrong while also spewing jokes about how I got caught slippin.’ It’s all good though. I wish I had pictures and videos of us together, but I don’t. We were too busy livin,’ you dig? When we were together, phones were the last things we worried about…so I will not dwell on AirPods. Thankfully, David left behind a collection of music that I still listen to all the time. Even though I no longer have AirPods to hear his voice, I have plenty of other audio devices to ensure that I hear his voice as I continue to walk this life in his honor.
Savant 🌹
I love you, David. We all do, and we miss you every day as the months turn into years. You know that you will never be forgotten, and you know that you are loved so dearly. As I watched you leave my section that day at Homecoming, I told you that I always got you. That will never change, my brother. I love you.
P.S. I don’t wish harm on anybody, but Dave…if you want to make a cameo appearance in buddy’s house one day to scare ‘em a little bit, I wouldn’t be mad at you.
thank you for spending a few moments with me. i do value your time and thoughts, so please do not hesitate to send me a message @savantlamont and let me know what you think. i would love to hear from you!
savant cinematic selection: stomp the yard by sylvan white (director), columbus short, & meagan good
savant song selection: hybrid // tre vaughn